1·There is here a very fine display of weapons and armor, pottery, miniatures and sculptures.
2·Park struck the winning goal with his daring diving header in the second half, while Fletcher added another fine display to his already impressive portfolio of big-match performances.
3·This is fine when the resource being posted will eventually be incorporated into a larger Web page for display — a common situation in Weblogs.
4·If a browser is web standards compliant and a website is built according to web standards, then they'll display just fine... on any device (iPhone, PC, Blackberry, iPad etc.).
5·After you use it, you may want to fine-tune the TV some more, but you can do so knowing you are getting the most out of your display.
6·A fine bundle of trash you study in your leisure hours, to be sure: why, it's good enough to be printed! And what do you suppose the master will think when I display it before him?
7·It is very possible that the GIF image will display just fine in your browser even though a GIF is a binary file type.
8·Most of jCarousel's default options are fine, so your hash contains only one key-value pair: scroll, with a value of 1, which tells jCarousel to display only one image at a time.
jCarousel 的大多数默认选项是合适的,所以这个散列只包含一个键-值对:scroll,值为 1,这让 jCarousel 每次只显示一个图像。
9·Also, the Modern art Museum, the Children's Picture Gallery, and the Martiros Saryan Museum are only a few of the other noteworthy collections of fine art on display in Yerevan.
现代美术博物馆,儿童画廊以及Martiros Saryan博物馆是众多在埃里温展出珍贵美术收藏展品中的几个场所。
10·The large-scale competition, the media, in a very strong influence at home and abroad, in order to contest the "local food culture, heritage, the new display of fine cuisine cooking".